Happy birthday mom text

Happy birthday mom text


My dear mother! You're the most beautiful, favorite, very happy and a million self-same! I wish you birthday be as kind and cheerful, like now! Being healthy and active, happy and positive!

Sweet, caring, gentle and affectionate mother! I congratulate you on the holiday and I sincerely wish you good mood, good health, happiness and enjoyment of all desires! I love you and will always be there, if you need my help!

Mom holiday today not only you, but also all of us. Because if you do not, things would be quite different, and if not heat your big heart and not your endless patience in our house would not be so comfortable and light. Happy birthday, dear mother! Let everything in your life that you will want, good luck to you health and happiness!

Mom, no man in the world, we would appreciate more than you. For warmth and comfort that you filled our house by grace touches your warm hands for your understanding in his eyes. I wish you always feel our admiration, gratitude and love.

Mom, who is now a glorious day - the day you were born! It seems that all turned around, shone brighter and better! You know how so much beauty - and you taught me how to live and enjoy life for real. I wish you this day heartily rejoice over the good and light, and always remain beautiful and young as charming as it is today!

So much said already about mothers, but that word does not lose its essence and its value. I would like to once again repeat the words love and kiss the hand that you so often stroked on the head, although spanked sometimes, but not always the case and not much. I wish you, dear - always be! as in the song of the solar circle! And I'll always be near.

Beloved mother and mother! I congratulate you happy birthday! I wish you, smiles every day to see relatives, and that smile never left on your face. Let your look in the reflection is seen only happiness and let all what you wanted - to find the real, material form in your life. Have a full bowl filled with care and love and respect for family and close friends, never let you leave. Remember that when you're near - at heart warm and good. Be happy and never will be sad. Happy Birthday, Mom!

My favorite mom ... Today is your birthday ... and as it should, on this day passed much human happiness. I wish you his mother. But before all express their wishes, I would like to say my gratitude. Thank you, Mom, for what you taught me not to lie, because she do that you never knew how. You gave me a great example of what to look boldly into the eyes of the enemy, and quickly forgive other people's images. And despite any obstacles and frustration boldly go forward. You gave me a lot in life. So let you have your every new day begins with smiles and joy every moment of your life even filled with happiness. Health and wealth to you. Happy birthday, mom.

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