Birthday wishes for Mom

Birthday wishes for Mom


Sweet and very dear mother! I congratulate you on holiday and want to wish you all a loving heart to thee excellent physical fitness, peace of mind! Ever-blooming spring in the heart, which attracts sea of new sensations and vast ocean of discovery and adventure! You're the best and deserves the best! Happy anniversary!

We grew up - the young shoots, basking in the glow of your warmth and affection. When was the storm and broke us, you have screened them, when the rain poured incessantly. You covered us in a blizzard and cold you ukutuvala us dream of summer and warmed our souls. Now we have grown - young, strong, with spreading crowns and want you, Mom, rested in the shade of our branches on a hot day.

My mother, my mother! You now seventy years! I so want to go back to my childhood, conveniently arranged for you on your knees and leaning, listening to a fairy tale. You're going to tell her clearly, her soft voice, gently stroking the head. Oh, how often we do not appreciate these moments of happiness that make up our lives!

Mom, as we would like that you were forever young! Unfortunately, time is flying forever. But do not let the bad news, because today we are all together at the holiday table next to you, our dear mother!
We wish you good health and good mood! Have you always warms my love, and your heart is filled with great joy!

Mom, my dear! You're the best person on earth. I heartily congratulate you on 60 -richchyam. Mom, you gave us so much love and joy as great events and discoveries, but most importantly, you gave me life! Be always just happy and healthy! I love you, Mom!

Dear mother! I congratulate you on your Birthday. I wish you all the very good and light in this difficult life. Suppose your house is always a warm and cozy, and we will bring you love him!

Soft, sweet, beautiful and lightest woman on planet earth! You are my sun, my air, my solid ground, my confidence in the future, my main man! I heartily congratulate you on holiday! Let Your life fun and easy babbling brook of transparent beautiful wildflowers, and filled with the scent of herbs and breath of the forest!

Mom! As you now happy glow eyes! I heartily wish you this spring day much affection, warmth and kindness! May all your dreams come true! Happy mom!

Thanks for that mom mother mother's love that you gave us life. Thanks for being covered from harm and saved. Know, my mother is now helping to protect you and our turn came, we will warm you with love and attention. Happy anniversary you!

Mom! I remember as a child in New Year's Eve at our tree I always found gifts from Santa Claus! I always wondered how Santa Claus sensed my desire? ! I grew up and I know that you were this good Santa Claus. But the feeling of magic in the New Year forever remain in my heart, I believe - miracles do happen!
Mom, I want Santa Claus fulfilled my most cherished desire: that you were always there with me: healthy and happy! Happy New Year, dear! I love you!

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