Birthday wishes to a wonderful woman

Birthday wishes to a wonderful woman


Happy Birthday! Long not speak, just wish health and happiness, let the years fly easily, but do not steal youth and beauty, and added wisdom and charm. May each day of leave pleasant memories, let the smile always shines on the face and eyes always sparkling with happiness!

On this day - Your Birthday - Let me wish you all the best that is available on Earth. May each day of your life will be clear and sunny, let thine birds sing and flowers bloom. I wish you lots of carefree, happy years. Be cheerful, very healthy and very happy!

I heartily congratulate you on your birthday! Let today never ceases congratulations and toasts, let your honor sound poems and songs! Let life be a lot of smiles, sunshine, warmth and joy! Let knocking at the door only welcome guests, and the house will be full bowl. Good you happiness and all the best.

Let today everything is as you dream: the window will be perfect weather, and you have a good mood! I want to celebrate a birthday noisy and fun - with dances, songs, toasts and congratulations. Let all that wish to present your guests will come true and your life be filled with light, happiness and kindness.

Birthday I wish you loads of happiness, laughter, joy and fun! Have you always surrounded by loving people and true friends, let luck and luck accompanied in all cases.

Dear _______! On your birthday I wish you to be just as fun, friendly and cheerful. Still want a huge personal fortune - you may always meet the handsome prince on a white iron horse, and let him take you to the country of love and tenderness.

In birthday we wish all of the good that is in the world: happiness, love, luck, kindness and warmth. We hope that in your life, dear _______, everything was great: strong family, great friends, a great job, be in his house. Let all come true and dreams are embodied everything, even nayzuhvalishi plans.

Like any of us, you, ________, is certainly dream. So today, on your birthday, zaduvayuchy candles on the cake, do not forget to think of it, I temporarily took over the functions of a good magician, do solemnly swear that it will come true!

I want to tell you that I always, not just in your birthday, sincerely wish you all the best! Love, happiness, good friends, bright events, good spirits, the implementation of all plans and cherished desires! Happy Birthday!

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