Happy birthday sms for my dad

Happy birthday sms for my dad


You're the best person to everyone I know. When I say to you that I like, I feel sincere pride. I was lucky to be your son! Happy Birthday!

Example of many, strong, caring and kind man - it's all about you, Dad! Do not be afraid of difficulties, they may fear thee! Let the most adventurous endeavor ends successfully! Happy Birthday, Dad!

Dad, I congratulate you on your Birthday. I wish you to be always in the same cheerful, wise and purposeful! Let each day brings new joy and health never fails you!

You have always been a real head of the family: strong, decisive and fair. Today you became even wiser and kinder! Happy Birthday, Dad! I wish you good health, long life. Let your life be more joyful moments!

Today is an unusual day - today was born a man like you all! Yes Remain always in the same open, kind, strong and loving father. I warmly congratulate you on your Birthday!

Today I want to tell you straight: I was lucky with my father, it's kind, caring, fair and gay men by which I am in the world. Father's Birthday! Stay always so!

Dad's Birthday! I wish you excellent health, good luck and much happiness.
I will not say before, but you have always been and remain an example for me. I'm proud of you, Dad.

Hi, Dad. Congratulations on the birthday you receive? Well, then I wish you: good humor, athletic health, honor and respect at work, family happiness and prosperity. Kiss you fast!

Father, accept our congratulations on his birthday! We wish you athletic health, success in business, and that you have enough time on your favorite country and fishing! We love you too!

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