Greeting for grandma birthday

Greeting for grandma birthday


I wish a happy birthday to your favorite Grandma!
You always gave her warmth, kindness and tenderness to all his grandchildren! I wish you no ill, just enjoy life, maintain vigor for many years and wait for the appearance of grandchildren!

Lovely Granny!
Happy your birthday! Wish you want a lot of things. A lot of attention, a lot of care, a lot of love, understanding and many many congratulations on this happy day! Have you surround only loving and caring people like me.

Our grandmother!
Let this day, the day of your 60th birthday, brighter sun rises, let the joy of living close darkness! What do you want? Of course, health - it's the best gift! Happiness - a beautiful gift! And I want to love you wish. Keep it huge, clean, like a diamond! Want out of your face never went smile to your eyes shone with joy!

Beloved grandmother
I congratulate you on the anniversary! I heartily thank you for the kindness, care and affection! For your attention and kindness! I wish you energy, health and strength! You are waiting for many years to come, that your grandchildren will try to make happy!

Lovely, lovely, beloved grandmother!
Thank you for my magical childhood: for every good morning for fun day trips and evening whimsical tale. We would like your life to make me look like a good and beautiful fairy tale! I try to go all out! Happy birthday and gently kisses!
My favorite is my grandmother!
I congratulate you on holiday! I wish you happiness, joy, goodness! Be always cheerful and beautiful! To all that thou conceived always done! Smile, live long and bring joy to people! I love you very much!

Are you as good and comfortable.
It's amazing how one person can be so caring and warm ... Grandma, I really want you to have a healthy and happy life you often. Let love those roads you makes you happy, and always remember: I really - really love you!

Beloved grandmother, greet you with the day you were born! On this day, I thank you for all the sleepless nights that you spent next to my bed, with all fairy tales, which I was told by all the sweet cakes that always treated! Thank you for the love and warmth that you and now you give us all!

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