Birthday Wishes for Fathers

Birthday Wishes for Fathers


You currently 50,
but it's hard to believe your eyes still burn bright lights. Just your youth was a little older, but it does not matter. It's the happiest age, it is not for nothing called gold. And even in the former you will be strong, strong, healthy and energetic !.

On the day of your anniversary
Spartan wish you health, wealth, Bill Gates, talents Julius Caesar, plans, like Napoleon. We wish to be happy, soul young, happy, loved, charming, kind and strong, weak and strong to illness, bad weather, pettiness, evil avoided you party, and next were only sincerity and love.

You want I have to congratulate the anniversary. I wish you all that you would get. Health? Let there be two cars. Car? May be you have a lot of them. All-in-all in a lot more of what you would have wanted.

Dear Dad!
I congratulate you on the anniversary 75th birthday! I wish you happiness, health and good mood! Today should not miss, today you need to have fun! Today you have a great holiday, find his whole family! For you bouquets, gifts for you, for you candy vūtannya bright! All the very best to you, and remember that I am always there.

Today's your birthday -
large field for various platitudes that sound to you in the morning. We do strongly disagree! Your beautiful age - a successful and impressive - not the reason for all the comparisons with targets, borders, interest, etc., etc. In your case it will not work because you are above any hackneyed words, familiar phrases and standard requirements. We want you to always remain our favorite dad far from mediocrity, dullness and boredom.

Dear daddy!
Jubilee, which marked the targets 75, crowded various events, today many gathered to express their wishes. Perhaps most importantly - good health, as it will for many years to enjoy happiness and love ones!

Dad, on the 55th anniversary!
Council congratulated on such a glorious date. During the day when you can really say that the glory of bother and that is noted. We wish you good health, great and sweet fruits of labor invested. And want new dreams, and, of course, its performance.

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