Grandmother greeting card

Grandmother greeting card


I congratulate you on your Birthday, dear grandmother! You're in our family as the sun: all selflessly give their light and heat. Sorry, that is not always respond in kind. I wish you delight us all for many - many years! With love, grandson.

Happy birthday, dear my grandmother! How fortunate that you are in the world! Who else would I could learn that infinite patience, this life stability, this unconditional forgiveness and sincere reckless generosity? Let keepeth thee and bless for years to come!

My dear, sweet, kind, bright, radiant babusenka! Happy Birthday to you! Any words seem pale and succinct enough to convey my love and admiration you. But over the years I was able to fully appreciate all of your wisdom and generosity. No years do not open your zistaryat good, generous soul! Live long, and we, as a fledgling chicks will hide from life's troubles under your wing.

Babusenka my dear, dear, darling! I warmly congratulate you on the day you were born! You - alone, alone, alone! The most amazing and unique! I admire you. Nobody argue that you and intelligent, and kind, and generous, and fun, and beautiful! You dilyshsya generous with people his heartfelt warmth. You always hurt comfort, warm a frozen, podilyshsya last piece of hungry. Where do you take so much effort and energy that they have enough to spend not only your family, but also to themselves - the farthest? The only thing I want to wish you - let your life for years to be the same kind, generous, funny and beautiful, as you yourself!

Grandmother, mother! Happy Birthday! Please accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes. Without flattery I say - over the years I have more fond of you.
Who prepares delicious all? - Of course you are!
Who has the best piece, jam, canned? - Of course you have!
Whose gorgeous embroidery? - Your!
Who first singing and dancing girl in holidays? - Only you!
Who is the best counselor in the affairs of life? - You Grandma!
Who will comfort and prompt help and everything they can? - Only you, our sun!
Take away from us, we bow for all your toil and care. Live without troubles and hello hundred years!

Grandma! You're very kind, wise, caring and responsive! Wherever you may be, everything around you is light! So let thee in life be light, warm and happy! Good luck and many - many years of life! Congratulations to you on your Birthday!

Favorite, Grandma! Congratulations to you on your Birthday! We wish you not to get old and not be sick, spent a lot more - for years! Pleases us with his smile, his laughter and delicious pies! We'll really, really like! Happy Birthday, Grandma!

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