Best Happy Birthday Wishes for Grandma

Best Happy Birthday Wishes for Grandma


Granny, you keep our family tradition and know from the cradle each of us, want you, love, always able to instantly take off on any floor, answer passer "mistaken me for twenty-five years more "! Never touch the Tonometer.

Well, where, where we can find out that my mother when I was little, ate everything in the house sweet gentlemen who cared for the ladies is quite different than it is now that the milk was much dairy, and I was scared of spiders as a child. Grandmother - a memory the family, she guardian of traditions, it is the best, my grandmother!

People always remember childhood with a warm smile, and what childhood? This grandmother's bedtime stories and hot cakes, it is warm and participation in children's images, this patronage to parents, it luchinki fleeing eye wrinkles and caring good hands. Health and sunny days to you, my dear!

On this special day I Happy Birthday to you, Grandma, and I wish you from my heart for old age ... not! - The better your future years be very happy! Let your eyes see the stars, the back does not hurt, and good humor shines like the sun! And that your happiness was complete, I solemnly promise that I will always take care of you, to love and not to forget a single moment that passed next to you in peace and comfort!

Lovely granny ... Granny ... warmly welcome you and wish you joy kiss and mental health ... To me, as long as possible pryhoschavsya thy wonderful pancakes with jam. And, grandma, thank you for your kindness and care for your lullabies that you sing to me as a child. Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Beloved grandmother, greet you a Happy Birthday! I heartily thank you for the kindness, care and affection! For your attention and kindness! I wish you energy, health and strength! You are waiting for many years to come, that your grandchildren will try to make happy!

  Happy Birthday, Grandma! I remember myself still a baby, and you have been close - attentive and affectionate, you have always been time to look after me, take care of the house or tie something fluffy and warm! On your birthday I wish you many more years remain the same - always cheerful and in good spirits! Long years of flying forward, rewarding you deserved happiness!

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