Birthday Wishes for Father

Birthday Wishes for Father


70 years - this is serious! It is so serious that not every idea will draw a such a long life with all its complexities. It was everything. And grief, and joy, but you managed to carry through the years the ability to enjoy each day, give all the warmth and kindness, to be an incorrigible optimist. We wish health and health care again. All other components of happiness we'll buy. Happy anniversary!

Happy anniversary!
'75 Is the age when young at heart! And we want to wish you always stay young at heart, and not lose good spirits! What would nearly always gave a joyful emotions and support! And whatever the years passed it by!

I welcome you to the 75th anniversary, on your anniversary and wish you to enjoy life in the same way as 40 years ago. Let life give you what you have not experienced, but let it be pleasant hours! Why watch? Because the moment - is too small to fully enjoy all the joy and happiness of the event! I know that your soul lives youth, so let it be so much that no one dared to question the fact that there is no place for old age!

I am very happy
I can now greet you with a wonderful anniversary - 65! For thy shoulders long, rich life, today you welcome adult children and grandchildren growing up. We wish you all athletic health to you for a long time stayed with us and pleased us!

Dear father,
now in your 70 we are very pleased that all of you gathered today. The history of life can only admire what we do. Let health you will always be over the edge, even a sense of humor that you have to be always the same beautiful and bright. I wish that the family never let not forget. Long summer. Happy anniversary.

Dad! Forty-five - an important anniversary,
symbolic feature of the golden mean life. Accumulated considerable experience, placed priorities in life, and valuable luggage in the heart and soul you go through life on. For front - so much desired, yet not achieved spravdzhenoho such interesting and necessary. So do not want to grow old soul, with every situation in life come victorious, and with faith, hope, love each take turns of fate.

Daddy, on the 55th anniversary!
Today, so much I want to say to you, many thanks for the - for the wonderful days and moments spent along with you for your concern and affection for rigor and understanding. I wish you great joy, happy fate, but the good news and excellent health. I love you!

  Good anniversary - 70
- There is something to remember, there is something to live on. Traveled a long way on the road of life, so that it may be just as good and generous to you, continuing to present gifts that you earned years of effort - true friends checked difficulties relatives - spouse, children, grandchildren who will always support you and rear, health - good to be able to support as much as possible those dear to you and who loves you. We wish to conquer those vertices remaining for adequately long life intervening years have shown that you can overcome any obstacles on the way to a dream. Congratulations, dear our people.

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