Greetings happy birthday dad

Greetings happy birthday dad


Years go by, and your optimism, cheerfulness, vivacity of spirit, thirst for new discoveries and achievements does not dry out! You're an example for all of us! Remain the same cheerful, kind and loving. After all, your life is just beginning and before you opened the door to a new world! Happy Birthday, Dad!

A person who always helps a lot in life, supports and loves me just - this is my dad. And in this holiday I want him to wish to all the surrounding people to be treated exactly as it to them! Happiness huge, all-consuming love and joy are endless!

Though not always we'll get along, Dad, but you know that is closer and dearer to me you have no one and never will be! On your birthday I wish you good mood, welcome guests and fun celebration!

Wish you birthday, my dear dad to beat golden stream of happiness in your home to the treasures of the world in a moment you opened to all diseases and enemies retreat! I wish you to blizzard is howling at the window to the authorities often noticed, put one in the example and encouraged every day! Still wish you live a hundred wonderful years! Your daughter!

Our dear father, my mother and I love you so hard that words can not express, and fear hold you to not suffocate from excess of emotion! We wish you light in the day of your birth, that you never grieve, never obeyed and never
give up, and stubbornly went to his purpose, we wish that all the mountains of the world meekly obey you, want to put super record and get into the Guinness Book. You are worthy, our hero!

My dear father, you - the example of a perfect man, you always made the family for you - the most sacred in life, and children - the most expensive! You always mchysh for help on our first call, you dismiss aside important things just to mess with their grandchildren! You - an example to follow, we wish you health, vitality and patience!
Happy Birthday to you, dear ours!

You - the most wonderful man in the world, you - our dear daddy! At unison birthday wish wish you bright rainbows in the sky, stars, clear bag of gold coins that only you dzyurchav spring stream for you gardens bloom in white, for you laughing children, birds singing for you! We wish to share your only joy, happiness unearthly, spiritual goodness! Happy Birthday!

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