Birthday wishes for friend

Birthday wishes for friend


I am so waiting for your birthday, chose a gift, bought the most beautiful cake and bouquet. You deserve it, girlfriend, this is your day.

Above his head, girlfriend, happy birthday. This is your life and spring to winter many, many years. I love you and whisper in your ear: "Hello."

I congratulate you, my best and closest friend in spirit, on his birthday. May this birthday year to give wisdom, but not to age. Let it be just another year in your life piggy bank. But heartily desperately wish this was piggy you dimensionless and invincible, that it never failed to fill out or break. I so want you to be happy, healthy, always in high spirits and a pure heart you want. Have run all your fondest wish and even those that are not amenable to logic and understanding. You're like no one deserves to be happy! And I'll heartily desire it! Mother's Birthday and remember, I'm always with you and is ready to support you in all that you had not conceived!

My dear friends, I greet you a happy birthday and wish you always be so good, sensible, just, caring, gentle, feminine, beautiful, energetic, happy as now. Strong health to you and all your family and friends, success in all endeavors, big and true love, and most importantly mutual! Let the good things you do, comes back to you a hundredfold, let people around you to feel respect and sympathy. Let only the best accompany your life. Neither is more negative emotions, but only happiness and joy. I will sincerely desire it, is not it want you to be happy. Happy Birthday!

Dearest friend. Today I want to wish you all the very clean, very bright and good in this life alone can be. Let all your ideas are worthy of the Nobel Prize, let all thy words will always be heard by people whom they are addressed. Let all your desires fulfilled soon! Health shall never fails, and good luck with luck may have life in you hands!

Happy Birthday, dear friend! Let happiness fill your heart and smile has been on your lips, because when you smile, the world blooms in your beautiful eyes.

You're a real angel and let your magic wings of happiness you always just raise up, and no problems you will not be able to break off! Happy Birthday, my dear friend!

Girlfriend, greet you a Happy Birthday! I wish that your life was so beautiful, as you yourself beautiful, and just as varied and interesting as you!

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