Birthday wishes for parents

Birthday wishes for parents


Mom, I congratulate you on the anniversary! Stay as beautiful, happy and well! Thank you for the love and understanding for the fact that you're always ready to be next! Good luck, health, long life! You're better than anyone in the world! I love you very much!

Pretty mommy!
Today is a special day, today I want to tell you that you - the most beautiful, kindest, wisest, and most importantly, the favorite woman on earth. And yet, I want to congratulate you on the anniversary and wish you remain the same exceptional woman!

With all my heart - happiness,
fulfillment of desires! Let life as bright mosaic, composed of bright colors of joy, memorable events, and each new day brings good luck and good mood! Happy anniversary, favorite mom!

Today, on the day of your 50th birthday, I wish good health. Suppose your house is nestled just peace, happiness joy love warmed. I wish that difficulties will not upset. Live long and old, about the past, not worry and be always cheerful and fun.

55 is a lot or a little,
Well, of course, a trifle, putting them together and only 10 and can be all about the new start. You're the most wonderful mother in the world. Let your eyes every year glow brighter! I wish sincerely and simply live in abundance, you must be always and all and not have any problems.

in your holiday I wish that every day that you love and care to your loved ones gave, was another decade of your
a very long and happy life. Please always the most-most affectionate, gentle, loved, beautiful. Happy anniversary!

Beloved mother. I heartily congratulate you on the anniversary. Let happiness accompany you always. Remain the same kind, wise and knowing I love you very much. No man in the world more and closer than my mother, and I do not ever tire of thanking you for what you did for me. Happy, darling!

70 - not the date
if the stock so much effort, vitality and energy. 70 - that's a lot and a little, it's a way of life, with joy and thorns, with sorrows and happy days. You never give up, and to share your anniversary today generously bestowed upon you - gather your closest friends, most native people for you. We wish you that every day brought success and joy you excellent health - for many - many years !, unlimited happiness, let the past stay in all of life's trials and each subsequent year bring all the best, because the years do not matter when a young soul.

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