Birthday wish for loved ones

Birthday wish for loved ones


Happy Birthday to my beloved! Congratulations to you! Probably not very well, after a glance at you my roof went a long term vacation. But of course just fine and certainly very remarkable that I had come to true love. So, basically, the roof may not come back ...

Cute in the world so many tender words that can drown in this affection. There are so many confessions of love that will last for centuries to come. But it's just words. I want you to swim in the tenderness of my eye, I could not enjoy the taste of my lips, and would always held captive my embrace. Happy Birthday to you, my love!

Open your eyes and smile! Keep it simple and you will see how everything and everyone around will appear in a different light! You become a year older! I wish you a happy birthday and wish not to grow old soul, do not lose friends, do not get sick and do not despair! I'm with you!

My beloved. I want to congratulate you today on your birthday. But much of something trivial, I do not want. Today will be discussed and so many phrases in your address, and anything you want to get in this life - you must just dob'yeshsya, and all you will, of course, because you are in my best and smartest. I just want to say that you can trust and believe me - I'll never let you down, because I love you very much.
Fireworks dreams, deepest desires meteor shower, a bright light solar mood may abide with you on the day you were born, my love! And I, your cheerful and devoted girlfriend will not leave you in your holiday for a minute!

Beloved, today is your birthday!
I congratulate you! I would like to heartily thank your parents for what you have in me! Happy Birthday!

I love you, sometimes I can not express it in words. I want you to know that your birthday - the day when the world was my second half. I wish you excellent friends, success in the beloved, and I was there, because I can not be without you.

My dear, I greet you a happy birthday! I wish everyone lived a year, you only remember the good events and the onset of a new year of your life meant anticipation of new victories and achievements! I love you and I really want to hold you close to many more years!

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