Birthday Greetings to Grandpa sms

Birthday Greetings to Grandpa sms


Our favorite old man! Congratulations to you on your Birthday! You - wise, kind and calm! We wish you many years to live, do not miss and do not frown! Let the smile in your eyes reflected sadness and walks away! Happy Birthday, Grandpa!

Happy Birthday our old man! You're an example to us in life, and we always rivnyayemosya you. On this day, we want to wish you good health and great optimism in life, because the world keeps optimists. Live long for the joy of grandchildren grandfather.

Grandpa, you are at the festival today the most important, you put on the award jacket, I am proud of your fame, this grandfather is not found. Grandpa, Do not you consider the years around let God help. With all my heart I congratulate you with Happy Birthday.

Happy Birthday, dear grandfather, you are our favorite, nice, but, of course, the most important you are in the family. Have a great life will be long and healthy, we need a grandfather. Live in joy we long, long year, not two - a hundred years!

Dear our grandfather! Congratulations to you on your Birthday and wish you much happiness, good health, success, tenderness, affection, joy and laughter! To grandmother loved you! Roads podlynney life and much joy in it!

Our beloved grandfather in this holiday greeting to accept your round Happy Birthday. We wish you success large, lasting happiness health immensely. You are our reliable bulwark family life. We are proud of you!

Dear grandpa! I always remember with nostalgia funny stories and your fishing trip! And today, the day of your birth, I heartily wish you many wonderful days and always successful catch!

Dear beloved grandfather! Let the bright light goes out in gases thy smile shall not go down with your lips! We wish you smiles, joyful concerns, health, happiness and fun!

Happy Birthday, my grandfather, I congratulate you and wish to meaningful flowed your life, the number of years we talk aside leave as on duty, firmly hold the railing. Steps from year to year you safely, and be healthy, such an order!

Be happy, our beloved granddaughters, healthy in body and soul! Let life teach you good, let joy always accompanies you. Take everything you can out of life, be happy, happy fate. The main thing that the progress you did not forget us old.

Happy Birthday, Grandpa welcome and wish first of all, of course, that your health was strong now and then retreated to the disease forever.
To successfully work was going, and all dreams come true. Youth soul you want.

Happy Birthday, dear grandpa. Get granddaughter of pozdravlenya. I wish to live a hundred years in the same fit and healthy, albeit interesting and rich, various events will be your life. You're the best grandfather in the world and I love you.

Grandpa, on the occasion of thee, of thy Happy Birthday! I wish you good-prekrepkoho health, great happiness, light and beautiful life days! Yet we wish to all-all your dreams and wishes come true necessarily, but if you need some assistance in their implementation, you must zvertaysya and I will help you all what I can only! And I sincerely wish you to be happy today as ever! And today, when we gather as a family at the holiday table, I want your eyes shined bright lights, and the smile never left on your face! You're worth better! After all, you are my very, very favorite grandfather in the world!

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