Romantic Happy Birthday wishes for your girlfriend

Romantic Happy Birthday wishes for your girlfriend


I congratulate you with Happy Birthday and I wish with all my heart smiles and fun! Stay always so cheerful, beautiful, cute, attractive, beloved! Eternal happiness to you!

Let there be anything you want! Good luck, happiness and luck to you! And most importantly, love! Thou shalt love of who breathes heart and who always thought busy! Be happy!

I wish the new year of your life was warm, peaceful. Health and ringing silence you! Let joy around you and around the accompanied luck! Good warm the hearts of people around them. And that in your life has always been light! Be happy!

Friends, such as you are in the world there is only one copy! Thy fathers tried their best, for they big Respect! You're in my best! I love you, my dear! Happy!

Friendship is stronger than we did not find! Let strife and tears were, but we remember only happy and joyful moments. I wish you to similar moments in your life were as many and they all remember for a lifetime! Happy Birthday!

Launch your life rapidly crisscrossing living space, Conquering all new heights, winning new stars. You and she - bright as a star. Being close to you - happiness is always new experiences, new information, new adventures. I congratulate you with Happy Birthday and thank fate that introduced me to you, my dear friend.

My friend, let you meet only decent men with decent amounts, purses! Happy Birthday!

I wish you, that your life was in striking colors and amusements. I wish you beautiful and fashionable dresses, glamorous parties, are you able to dance till you drop. Be very happy and very prosperous, and as my best friend!

Dear friend! My wishes for the honor of thy kindred simple. I want to close with you always were four animals: mink - the shoulders, the Jaguar - in the garage, a tiger - in bed, and sheep, which in all will pay!

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