Birthday greetings for wife sms

Birthday greetings for wife sms


More recently, you were a bride, then came the day joyful holiday when I was calling you my wife. You, my wife, and I wish the birthday sunny mood, boundless inspiration, health and laughter! Stay always so gentle, kind and open heart! Suppose next to you will be the only true friends and your every wish as if by magic, then turns!

As well, if she not only loved, who donated the heart, but best friend! When she is not only bakes delicious cakes, but her husband is a fan of your favorite team. What I'm happy that my wife - my best friend and advisor! I raise a glass of the birthday of his wife and wish her much happiness, success, health, inspiration and other pleasures to be enough for every moment of her life!

Meet, fall in love and walk at his own wedding - does not mean to become husband and wife. Years of marriage, family life goes on, and the first fire of passion from which pamorochylasya head may fade away ... But true love can not disappear. Instead of unbridled passion comes matrimonial tenderness, sensitive attention and trust when you know his wife as himself, and know that it belongs only to you. Honey, I congratulate you on your Birthday! Our marriage has passed the test of time, our feelings became stronger and I would not want marriage better than you!

Love at first sight like a spark ignites your whole being, eager to share their happiness. Let say that it happens only in fairy tales, I loved you at first glance, you said to me in return, and we carried it through the year, filled with love, our marriage, our family. Perhaps the world is not enough words to reveal the colors in my feelings, but what ink letters on paper, and when you know it all? You know what I want to say simply "love." And now, your birthday, I say again - I love you! You are my happiness - and I wish you happiness!

In love sweet, tart, intoxicating taste as if you drink whole sips honey. A taste of marriage? As in the pure water of key middle of the desert. How often have dry years, blind eyes, we do not see all the colors of life. But just one drink pure water makes the heart beat faster, you can breathe deeply again and continue the journey. Marriage helps us to move forward without losing yourself. It was love dear person fills every day meaning. I'm Happy birthday my favorite, my one, without which there would be me and my family happiness, and I wish her all the best and it is desirable that there is in this world.

Dear, dear, sweet, darling, darling, and just mine! I'm living out looking for you! You're in my best! Today is a wonderful holiday, I want to congratulate you! I wish that you had always been so young and beautiful, not externally, and spiritually!

My dear! We have lived with you for many years, have passed many tests, but I still love you! You're the meaning in my life! And I want you to live to a ripe old age without knowing the grief and trouble, and I will always be a strong shoulder on which you can rely on, and a stone wall that will protect! Happy Birthday, I love my wife!

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