Birthday wishes from grandmother to grandson

Birthday wishes from grandmother to grandson


Miles my grandmother congratulate you on the Day You Were Born! You support our family and protection. To you we come, when we are bad, when you need good advice or tacit sympathy and support. Thank you for this! Long years of life and clear thee!

Hello beautiful, smart, intelligent, educated and most educated, generous and good grandma happy birthday! You're the best grandma in the world. I'm proud of you. I wish you warm as sun rays heat that would kindly and gently warmed to your soul.

Happy birth, my mother and grandmother favorite! I wish you a warm wind, clean air, excellent mood and beautiful weather. Have you always laugh and never cry. I wish not to hurt and live up to the 100th anniversary. Let thou most beautiful and charming woman in the world!

Dear Grandma, your granddaughter has grown quite large and now it's mine through to take care of you. I want to surround you with warmth and affection so that you never, in nothing needed, not afraid to age. To all of you, and always has been good. Let's birthday you get presents and deserved much attention.

On the birthday wish the best grandma in the world: let all the respect and honor belong to you. I wish you, dear grandmother to everyone appreciated your contribution to our family in raising grandchildren. I wish that never in my life do not you learned what ingratitude and betrayal.

Happy Birthday to you, my dear, beloved grandmother! Thank you for your kindness and care that you give you all of us for years! I wish you always feel young and not worry over nothing. And delights his grandson many - many years!

Precious is my grandmother! I heartily congratulate you on your Birthday! On this day I want to say thank you! You always help with the lessons, you find the time to listen, and fed most-most delicious jam in the world! Long life! With love, your grandson!

Dear grandmother! I congratulate you on your Birthday. Do not be sad that another year has flown by and powdered gray head. You for me - the most beautiful. Because no one has such forgiveness and of love that is in you. I wish you light and happy days! Love, granddaughter.

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