Birthday love compatibility

Birthday love compatibility


My dear, darling! Congratulating you on his birthday, I'm not just talking to you is simple: there simply follow tradition - no! I give you a program for the whole year: bloom, blossom, harnishaty, rozumnishaty, rich, mature and nothing to regret! Happy Birthday!

What can make your eyes shine and adds a lip color that will not create any most modern lipstick that gives your hair shine and harmonious movements plastic. I'm talking about love. I wish you, love, love hot, as the sky in Bombay and long like winter in Antarctica. And it all right now! Happy birthday to my favorite!

Seeing you for the first time, I thought, "She is very cute ...". Then one day I remembered your laughter ... Three days and three nights I went not himself, and finally realized ... I am in love! As well, we opened up to each other for your birthday, and now I can be proud to be Happy birthday my love and wish her the very cloudless happiness!

When true love does not come at the time of his youth, it seems that the world turns, and all the colors mixed in it as if in a kaleidoscope glasses ... My heart is warm, and feel that finally truly happy ... opens a second wind and comes second youth, warm spring ... Today is your birthday, my love, I finally met you and never let go - and give you all the happiness in the world!

In this light holiday, the birthday of beloved I lost a little down, decorating the house and placing bouquets of her favorite colors, I run like a squirrel, and very happy, because to do something for my uniform - the best classes in the world! I wish you a happy birthday, my dear, be always happy as today, and let no difficulties or sorrows will not be in your life, because you are worthy of the warm rays of success and happiness!

On the birthday of my beloved, I am proud to say - I happier all men in the world! After all, next to me every day a real treasure - clever and beautiful, affectionate and good friend! We never boring, and we do not quarrel, probably because love really ... I congratulate you, my love! I want every day to become even happier to find occasions to smile and enjoy every day!

My love! As you so much beauty, warmth and tenderness that can not remain indifferent, and even though you belong only to me, I will always try to learn more about you and, of course, to protect not only the attention of other men, but of all the misfortunes ! Today, the birthday, you're especially good, I wish you implement any of your desires and ask, tell me about them, because I have to make you happy ...

When love is not only enjoying a romantic evening in the society of the second half, but every moment, every moment spent with her ??next. Whether you're sleeping, curled a ball like a kitten or something poroblyayesh - me next to you is always good! I wish your birthday in a good mood and good luck to you and more happy days and years for both of us!

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