Mom Birthday Quotes on Pinterest

Mom Birthday Quotes on Pinterest


My mom was always in the spotlight. In any company, among friends and of course family. For each it is the right word, one can encourage them, and what good it close and good to her. Probably because my mom is such a good fate bestowed upon her unfading, noble beauty, good health and a thousand talents! Happy Birthday, Mom! Let the next life you smiling, the sun is shining brightly, and the soul is always a spring!

Maternal love is unselfish, it comes from the heart. When child becomes an adult, may travel far, it appears his own family, but my mother will always love her and at any time to accept yourself, embrace and warm. Today is your birthday, my mom! I want more than anything else that you were happy, did not know the worries and smile every day! Stay beautiful and always remember: I will always love you!

Our family always noisy and fun, because our mothers - many children and every one of us every moment surrounded by attention, affection and care ... Our mother has time and are able, because she loves us and is keen to in a large family was a great joy! Today was a fine day - Birthday Mom and I had the honor of the first to congratulate her! Happy birthday, my dear mother! Stay young and beautiful, healthy and full of energy, and not faint smile more often, and we, your children, your family will use their power to make you truly happy!

Pretty mommy! On your birthday in a wonderful and bright holiday I most want you to always remain the same as today! Cheerful and happy, surrounded by family and friends, a beautiful and prosperous, as we present you the queen - statuesque and proud! I wish you good health, strength and inspiration! I love you, Mom, be happy!

My mom - you are not only the most beautiful mom in the world, but also my best friend! You do I trust their secrets, ask advice and hear intelligent, sensible answer. What could be better when mom loves daughter often understand it without words! Today, I congratulate you on your Birthday, Mom, and I wish you many years of health, happiness and love!

I more just world smiling mother and her warm embrace, and her birthday - best holiday in which I most strongly want to surround her attention and care! Today with you, Mom, for all your saints who you dear. We wish you all the very best, and I want to add to a wish to be very happy and loved to smile every day, and let you leave all the sadness!

I have long grown, met her husband, now I have my own family and wonderful children. But I always remember his native home and their mother. Today is your Birthday, Mom! I want too am trying to be like you! You're very sweet, smart, caring, and it always makes it, the world is simply no better woman than you! I congratulate you and I know you'll get many years of unfading beauty, good health and much happiness!

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