Birthday greetings grandma

Birthday greetings grandma


Our grandmother - on the anniversary!
Welcome to 65-anniversary! We wish in life was as sad and joyful, cold and hot days, and only happiness and health, be not as much!

Well, our caring grandmother of St. Vitus. Happiness, health wish. Let jealous neighbor - grandmother on the bench saw you surrounded by seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Let the house still smells thy fragrant pies with cabbage. You like wisdom, generosity, caring.

Lovely granny!
Your gentle and kind hands we were at first, then taught to write, and then kept showing us the right way. Sometimes we do not obeyed and did everything in his own way, you are afflicted and helped us in any situation. Grandma, you are always in our minds wherever we go.

Grandma is now 70 years!
Congratulations to you happy birthday! We love you too. You give us your warmth, you - the source of all good things for us. Stay young, beautiful, healthy and cheerful!

Grandmother in your wonderful anniversary, I want to mentioned to you only the best days of your difficult, but such a wonderful life. Have you not touch the disease, let your spirit will always be young and optimistic.

Dear Grandma, wherever fate not abandoned us and how far we are away, but your birthday we are always in a hurry for you to visit, to congratulate you and wish this holiday great care, warmth, longevity and feel the warmth of your cozy and home.
My grandmother - my mother is in the box!
We welcome you with the transition to a new stage of evolution! We wish little girl grow up and marry successfully to one day make you mom for the third degree.

Honey, our favorite grandmother in such a great day I would like to wish you happiness, prosperity, peace and good spirit. Have you jealous neighbor, looking at how you play with my grandchildren football on the playground. Flowers, health, honor and respect you.

On this day, we do not count how many past years. But today I wish: Do not get sick, do not get old, do not suffer, do not miss and many more years of birthdays to celebrate!

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