Birthday wishes for a special woman

Birthday wishes for a special woman


Is there anything in the world more beautiful and perfect woman? And who can be better, kinder and brighter than the one that we welcome today? We answer - nothing and no one! I wish on behalf of all present and, of course, from your own heart to congratulate you and wish you always be happy, beautiful and wonderful in all that you wish!

Happy Birthday! Receive cordial greetings from me, a box of chocolates, a gift, and of course - warm wishes! What do you dream? Let all things! Let your every day begins with a smile, and remember that you're the best and I love for their families, so - you are and always will be good as the good old fairy tale!

On this wonderful day - your birthday - I sincerely wish you welcome! I wish you the very smallness - let everything that you have, brings you joy, let everything you do not, are not you need to let all that you dream, magically appear in your life. I want you to be happy, to enjoy each new day, to find pleasure in simple things: a cup of morning coffee, rays of sunlight, the breath, looks expensive people. Appreciate what you have, and be sure to share obdaruye you even more.

With all my heart, with all my heart I congratulate you with the best holiday of the year - on his birthday. I wish you, as usual, the most beautiful of all: good health, mutual love, cloudless happiness, high income, true friendship and understanding with loved ones. Let life be more joy and laughter, let the problem be solved easily, as if by magic, let troubles ignore you party. And I wish you to make this birthday was excellent, that sounded toasts and congratulations to you wonderful gifts brought to you bathed in the attention of family and friends!

On the eve of your birthday I have long puzzled, thinking: what do you give to surprise and please? Went shopping, watched chose ... Choose a worthy gift to you is very difficult, because everything you need you already have, and unnecessary thing I do not want to give. So I decided not to reinvent the wheel, but just do - in this envelope modest amount that you can spend as deem fit. I'm sure this gift will be useless, and you are sure to find it use.

Today you holiday - the day of your birthday! I am very happy to be next in this solemn moment! Wish you want cloudless happiness. Let your spirits be always upbeat, even knocking on the door only welcome guests, gifts may be necessary and pleasant greeting may be warm and soulful, let everything in your life is the way you want. I wish you prosperity, career, let you appreciate the rulers, and staff. Wish mutual love - bright, sincere, wholehearted. Be the happiest woman in the world - because you're worth it!

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