Happy birthday 30 years

Happy birthday 30 years


30 years - a wonderful age, flourishing beauty, health and fulfillment. This is a great time to power aspirations and achievements desires. So heartily wish you to work - enthusiasm and inspiration to strive for career peaks, health and strength - to overcome all the difficulties of life in a circle of close - you warm and kindness, respect and love from you friends. May the road of life will be clean and easy, companions - sincere, always on the go lucky, and every year adds a lived experience. We wish prosperity and peace in the home, harmony in the soul. And that all came true dream!

This significant date -55!
Today we look at you and do not stop to wonder and marvel at - as connected to this woman bright talent, femininity, independence and strength! You are and have always been close to his guiding light that helps confidently go on the road of life. For colleagues - wise, considerate friend and a great professional. We wish you a great day in family happiness, smiles and well-being, youth and health for years to come! Let this date will bring you happiness and good luck, hope for the best, peace and tranquility in your family, and be feminine charm never leaves you! Boundless success in all!

General and guard our favorite kind of day our 80th anniversary wish strongest health, vitality constant tiredness small, true joy, happiness boundless, phone calls and pleasant feeling of our grateful love every moment, and yet, dear, remember for us you're the best.

Ladies, as you know, does not like to talk about my age, but today we celebrate the round date, and I have to say that the culprit is a celebration to be proud! In his years she kept not only the purity of his soul, but also the beauty of the face, she still believes that miracles have a place in our world, it is a true friend and happy to have a real head of his large and friendly family! I want it real, cloudless and unlimited happiness, because she so deserves it!

I warmly welcome you with a golden anniversary! Let this gold will remain with you for all these years: the house will be full of gold cup, health - strong as gold bullion, the character remains the gold, and the wedding will be golden!

It's no secret that there are magic numbers. Especially energy carrying round number! And today is your birthday, and so the magic number is valid on full blast! Let this amazing magic to attract in your life the best: health, happiness, wealth, success and family well-being!

Road hero of the day! Any anniversary - a little sad because going intervening years, they never return. But if it comes from knowingly and lived honestly, you never want them to regret! We wish you to stay so that you are!

The whole family, all relatives, friends congratulate you on the anniversary! We wish to grow healthy, smart and beautiful children. And most always stay the same wonderful, we know you!

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