Happy birthday mom messages from son

Happy birthday mom messages from son


Mummy dear, you're the most precious thing in this wide world. You gave us life and love, you're protects our home. You take care of us from birth to the present day. Let us express our gratitude for your concern and accept our love and respect.

So much said already about mothers, but that word does not lose its essence and its value. I would like to once again repeat the words love and kiss the hand that you so often stroked on the head, although spanked sometimes, but not always the case and not much. I wish you, dear - always be, as in the song of the sun's circle! And I'll always be near.

Mom - most native people, and who swayed and caresses, cares and protects ... Today is your birthday, mom and I want to hug you, kiss on the cheek and say that I really, really love you! Let the sun always shines in your life, let him always have a reason to smile, but only surprises will be pleasant! You for Me - The most important and expensive person in the world, and I will always love you!

My loved, beautiful, tender and affectionate mother was always a wise and strong. Her life all happened, but she always found strength to smile again and hugging me tightly to say that all will be well ahead. Today we celebrate her birthday, she was again happy, and her hand is in the hand of her beloved husband ... I wish you, my dear mother, cloudless happiness and longevity in love, all the attention is always surrounded by their loved ones and not vtomlyuysya smile!

Happy birthday, my good! Take a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a warm kiss on the cheek, hear what I say ... You're in my very smart and kind, gentle and caring, nobody bakes delicious cakes such as you, no one else can cheer in short, no does not smile so warm and beautiful! Be happy every moment of your life, you simply must be the happiest in the world!

My mother, my dear mother!
Happy Birthday to you, dear! Do not worry about the past years, today your pride for us, your children and your grandchildren for comfort. Today you have the same mother, and we are your children. Let no calamity looms near, let the happy days will last and last. Be happy and be beautiful.

Mom, not in the world of man, which we appreciated more than you. For warmth and comfort that you filled our house by grace touches your warm hands for your understanding in his eyes. I wish you always feel our admiration, gratitude and love.
Mom, Please accept my congratulations on the Day You Were Born. You gave me life, warmed his love and affection, you are for me the most closest person. Very kind, gentle, caring, beautiful, wise, my mom! I wish you good health and great happiness, I love you very much.

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